• or our Planet in the New Age •


A. Astrologically

Our Gea takes in the Sun’s system the third  place out of 9 planets. Let us recall them  starting from Ajnar outwards: Mercury,  Venus, Gea, Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus,  Uranus, Neptun, and Pluto.There are  talks about a tenth planet belonging to this  system, but it is not yet officially accepted.  Gea, positioned on this third place from the  Sun, which is specially benficial, not too  close, not too far, so it offers life to billions  of species.

If we take a look at Venus, which is one place  closer to the Sun, it has a glowing desert  climate with intermidiary temperatures  of some 180 degrees C, and its atmosphere  is saturated with sulphur dioxide (SO2).  So, this planet which stands for arts,  beauty and love is for us now, in this our  condition, impossibile to live on.

From the other side, Mars which is  situated one place after Earth, and stands  for energy, action, war is a deeply frosen  desert with average temperatures of minus  260 degrees C.

Let us mention also the fact, that Gea  within the Solar system is situated on the  edge of Milky Way Galaxy. So, it finds  itself in a very quiet region, in one of the  four arms of our Spiral Galaxy.

B. Naturally

Our Gea is so rich with sweet waters and  many billion times more with salty ones,  seas and oceans in such a measure that it  is called „Blue Planet“. It is not less rich  in plant and animal world, and of course  with five human races living on it.

Further more, our Earth is so rich in  minerals, precious metals and stones that  in past milleniums and billion of years  it was visited by many people from other  Galaxies who searched prime matters, who  wanted to set colonies or just to take away  all possible resources.

Especially precious metals as gold,  platinum, silber, copper, puter, platonium  were very much asked and were taken away  together with some metals which doesn’t  exist on Earth any more.

Gea passed some nice and some painful  moments through history and evolution.  But,her ideal situation in regard to the  Sun remains with all received benefits.

It would be good and desirable to make  our relation towards Earth conscious,  because it would be very helpful to many  individuals on their path of becoming  conscious. Let’s understand just one fact.  In old civilizations our planet was respected  and worshiped as Mother Earth. We have  to understand that our biological mother  nourish us on her brests through the first  four or six months of our life, but in reality  and she and all of us are fed through the  whole life with fruits of the earth. She  feeds us continously without taking any  sides, she gives us water to drink and bath  in abundance, she procures air with rich  quantities of oxygen.

Further more, the three basic conditions  for the possibility of life for humans are  created and secured by Earth. They are:  water, food and air. It is not all, she offers  us plenty of other things.

So, to respect again Gea in a way not to  put or throw chemical poisons, to become  responsible for enormous quantities of  garbadge, not to produce polution, would  signify to give her the possibility to recover  and renew more quickly. Because she will  regenerate herself alone with us or without  us, the fact she is already doing with a  high price for humanity.

We are entering the Golden Age, so if we  start calling our dear Earth „Gea Aurea“,  what means „Golden Earth“, then our  respect could awake spontaneously.

C. Cosmically

1. Just as said in previous chapter, on  and in Earth everything is dense. On  the surface we find rocks, stones, marble,  granite. Inside Earth there are many  minerals, and in the deep bowels, that is in  nucleus everything is melted in the glowing  fluid state.

We all know that water presence on Earth is  in range of some ¾ in respect to continents.  Under surface of the continents, and in the  nucleus metals are present in the similar  range, in compact or in fluid state.

In this way we understand that our Gea  is sensitive to outer influences from the  Universe, and among others especially to  magnetism and electromagnetism.

Through this abundance of minerals it  becomes clear and understandable that on  our planet exist regions with positive and  regions with negative charge, or in other  words there are regions with positive or  negative energie radiation.

Now, according to natural laws,  electromagnetic waves which reach Gea  have influence on all cells of the organism,  and especially on the brain cells and so,  they can be of great help in conscious raising  and in moving to higher frequencies. But  this decision, if persons are ready or not,  lies in God’s hands.

2. We have to go a little bit back to  Neutrions. It is known that the Universe  is filled up with Neutrinos. They are  present in all nuclear processes in all Stars  and Suns. They do not have mass as it  is neglectingly small. They do not enter  in chemical reactions, they do not have  charge, and just from there comes their  name.

Neutrinos, these subatomic particles, as  scientists have calculated, are moving in  overlight speed, pass through everything  without doing anything- so they say.

When Gea is concerned, they pass through  all atmospheric layers, pass through  everything existing on Earth, minerals,  plants, animals, humans and pass through  the whole Earth to the oposite side and that  in an unbelievable number of 65 billions  per 1 cm2, and per 1sec.

It can be concluded by logical deduction:  given the fact that all Suns are unified by  their essential elements of constitution,  then Neutrinos, present in such a relevant  number and passing through everything,  convey to us the Vital Energy and  influence the unification of everything  in the Universe, and so of all of us on  Earth, because they convey also essential  information needed for the development  and evolution.

We don’t know in which number per 1cm2  and per 1sec they were present, let’s say  before some 20 or more years ago. We can  easily suppose that they are present in such  a high number now in our Solar system, or  may be in the whole Milky Way, to support  the transition to the advanced level of  evolution in this New Age of Aquarius.

We can mention one more thing: scientists  have discovered that when Neutrinos strike  some of Terestrian atoms, they suddenly  transform themselves into other even  smaller particles called MIONS which  also move at incredible speed.

In further researches in the Mediteranean  sea near the French port of Toulon, in the  split in sea depth of some 2500 meters,  French scientists have discovered using  special devices that Neutrinos, when they  strike the „Terestrian atoms“ at this depth,  where total darkness reigns, they provoke  the apparition of bluish punctual light.

As we know that light is life, this would be  the proof that Neutrinos transmit Vital  energy.

3. We can also conclude from other space  phenomena that changes and shifts are  taking place all over. So on Ajnar,our  Sun, the number of spots is increased, the  evaluated temperature of its nucleus is 6ooo  degrees C. At the same time the temperature  of its corona rises to 2.000.000 degrees C.  The torches on the Sun’s surface are more  numerous. This is not casual, and has to  be related to changes.

4. One more very interesting and very rare  apparition, and so obviously significant in  this Age of change, is the Fire Rainbow.  It happend on May 24th, 2015 when  it appeared on the parallels of Japan  at the height of Tokyo, it then passed  over Karakoroum, Baykal, Black sea,  Mediteranean, Atlantic and over North  America and Pacific it covered the circle  around the Earth.

Obviously, we all were vaccinated with the  unit of the Sun by a very new Energy. The  all potential Intelligence works on us and  prepare us for new dimensions.

5. Now, something more, which is the proof  that everything undergoes evolution. For  the example we shall give some explanations  about the evolution of elements on our  planet. These elements are, to remind:  earth, water, fire and air.

a) We shall start with the evolution of  element earth. It should be always kept in  mind that the elements often work together  as two, three or even all four of them. In  this present example earth and air work  together. Air, namely is wind, and it gains  in evolution by strong stormy winds. They  are called huricanes in the West, and in  the East and Far East they are called  monsouns and taifounes.

So, when stormy winds come over the  enormous desert of Egypt’s Sahara, they  lift very big quantities of sand in the air,  and more, in higher levels of clouds. As the  principle of movement is from East to the  West,these clouds full of Sahara sand are  taken by the winds to the West, namely  to the region of Amazona. Sahara sand  which came here, contains big quantities  of Iron (Fe) and Potassium(K).

These elements are natural fertilizers.  Now fertile rains rain over rain forests.  The rich plant world of Amazona need  Iron to produce enough chlorophyl which  then ensures the enormous production of  Oxygen (O) through rain forest leaves for  the whole planet. It is therefore usually  said that the Amazona is the natural  lungs of our World. Potassium naturally  fertilizes the rain forest soil.

We can say here that humans need Iron to  enable the transport of oxygen by artheries  to all bodily cells for their healthy life and  development.

We can also mention that in pre-hystoric  time, Africa and South America were joind  in one continent, which then was separeted  into two plates, and Atlantic ocean moved  in between, and so it is today.

b) We go further taking the example of  the element water in evolution. In this  example three elements work together first  as water and fire, secondly as water and  air. In the first place we shall give the  example of water and fire where fire is not  to be literally understood, but rather as  the expression of heat.

When the temperature on Earth increases,  the huge parts of ice-bergs on the poles  melt. A possible consequence of this fact can  be too high ocean and sea levels on costal  regions with a possible threat of flooding  towns and colonies.

From the other side, too high temperature  on Gea causes exagerate evaporations from  oceans and seas surfaces with the natural  consequence of too large amounts of falling  rain. These rains fall in enormous masses  and water swellings do purify Earth’s  surface in some way. On the other hand  many plant species rot due to so much  water and over-wet ground.

We have also a very nice example of how the  element water alone supports its evolution  in taking care of living beings in the seas.  With very deep filming it was established  that the South pole, Antarktika sows in the  ocean’s depth inumerous mineral particles  which originate from the ice bottom.

This under water rain of minerals is then  taken by ocean’s streams which are moving  Northwards and when they arrive to coasts  of Chile these minerals participate in the  formation of planctons and algues which  are then spread through Oceans and seas  as some essential food for many fishes,  among them whales.

c) The next example refers to the evolution  of air, and hier shown together with water.  When we say air, we also have to mean  wind. In the few last years winds have  become very strong, stormy ones.

They move large masses of clouds here and  there: over oceans, over continents, from  oceans towards continents, etc. We have  a very nice example of monsoun winds  which blow succidingly for a few months  of the year, covering part of spring and  part of summer time. They start from Far  East, Malesya, Vietnam, South China,  Thailand, Mianmar, Cambodga and  covering the whole sub-continent of India.  What is important, strong winds blow and  bring heavy clouds full of water over land.  Then rain covers with water regions of  land where rice has to grow and nourish  some 2,5 billions of people.

So, the element of air makes its evolution  through the strength and duration of  stormy winds huricanes, taifounes, which  all afterwards develop the enormous  strength of the element water shown  through waves high 10, 15 and more meters  or through an exagerate quantity of rains  which are to the benefit of rice fields.

d) We have to see now the evolution of the  element fire. The most simple example is  when something burns. But for the evolution  of this element, waste fires are needed like  those furious fires over large opened spaces  in Australia or those swalloving old forests  in California.

What is happening in fires of great  measures? When big forests are in flames,  then very important quantities of Nitrogen  (N) are produced. Nitrogen then combines  with oxygen (O) and both give natural  nitrates which are taken up, up to the  higher layers of atmosphere and are then  distributed in clouds over the whole Earth.

After this, on many, many places fall  fruitfull rains. What, that would be if not  a natural fertilizer from the Lord’s hand.  The next example for the evolution of the  element fire are lightnings. As the weather  conditions in this age of transition are  very unstable, or better said, there is too  much evaporation, too many winds, too  many electrically charged clouds.

The consequence of these phenomena which  follows is the release of enormous charges  in two ways: one way is between clouds  themselves, the other way is between clouds  and earth. The issue of these releases in  the first place are lightning and light, in  the second place thunders and sound.  It is usually said, if you can count to 3  after the light is seen, then thunder was  near, if you count to 5 then thunder was  at some distance, and if you count more  than 5, than thunder was rather far away.

Lightnings, besides their extra velocity,  have the unbelievable high temperatures  and that is some 5 to 6 times more than the  Sun itself. That fact means that lightnings  have or in other words they carry to earth  billions of degrees Celsius.

Besides this, lightnings when passing from  the clouds to the earth brake atoms of  oxygen(O) and ionizize in this way the air  what is optimal for all beings living on our  planet.

There is one more very important effect of  the lightnings, and that is „making alive“  the element of earth. We have here the  cooperaton of two elements: fire and earth.  It is also, in a way, the proof how nature  revitalizes itself.

Lightnings transmit to tired and exhausted  earth the Vital energy. If we make the  following connection that lightning is light  and light is life, then everything becomes  very clear and understandable.

In conclusion, the work in Nature is  fascinating, the cooperation between  elements is fantastic.

So, one question emerges: couldn’t we people  learn something good from our Mother  nature in the sense to become better, more  conscious and more purposeful?

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