• Some Explanations •

In other words the Waterbearer enters among the ten biggest constellations in our sky, and is among the known ones together with Capricorn and Sagittarius in olden times. Aquarius contains over 100.000 stars in its configuration, and finds itself in the Southern hemisphere.

Namely, Aquarius belongs to the globular cluster M2 which is part of the galaxy’s Milky Way halo. Scientifically, this cluster was born even before the same Milky Way, because it contains a dark star system, a red dwarf, what actually is a star at the end of its lifetime, and thus shows how old the cluster M2 is.

According to the mithology of Babilon, we can understand now why Aquarius was called „GULA“, meaning the Big One. In old Egypt it was called the God of the Nile. It is also interesting that some stars of Aquarius in the ancient Arabic world had names that meant „good luck“. So we find the two brightest stars, one in each sholder of the Waterbearer under the names: Sadalmelik and Sadalsuud. These two names mean „lucky one of the king“ and „luckiest of the lucky ones“.

According to some people Sadalmelik belongs to the constellation of Pieces at 20 , and not to Aquarius, but this is a question if the cluster M2 is within the borders of halo or not..

A. Astrologically

Aquarius or Waterbearer is the  constellation belonging to the Milky Way  and is some 38.000 Light years distant  from our Earth. In the Zodiac where 12  constellations find place, Aquarius comes  in eleventh place.

First of all it is very interesting that  Aquarius bears and pours water, and  in practice it represents the element air  among the existing four: fire, earth, air  and water.

Another interesting thing is that  Aquarius and some other constellations  have two rulers. Here we have Uranus and  Saturnus, both of element earth. So it is  to be understood that the values of those  planets have to be brought down to earth  and in a stable manner developed. Let’s  have a look what each one offers us.

With Uranus new research works are  awaited on the global plan and discoveries,  new technical, medical, social and other  solutions should be given and applied  publically. Also, new undestanding of  natural laws should be presented to  humanity.

With Saturnus the main task for this Age  is something traditional, but in a modern  way developing and improving the moral  values of the human. Also resposibility  and conscience are expected to be improved.  And our gratitude to the Universe should  be raised.

Each constellation, and let’s remind all:  Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lion,  Virgin, Ballance, Scorpio, Sagittarius,  Capricorn, Aquarius and Pieces, has its  properties, its impulses reaching us on  Earth for our moving forwards. It is  especially important for us Erthians the  fact that each one offers us lessons to learn,  and even better to learn them for good.  Now, we can clearly understand why it  is said: „Life is a school“. Milky Way is  for us Erthians the best natural school  which we could wish and have, and where  all Wisdom and Kindness of the Lord is  present for us!

B. Naturally

The element air is connected with our  intellect, logic and mind. Water is connected  with emotions, and those we should have  had mastered during the Age of Pieces  throughout last 2000 years. Before these  we dealt with our creative skills which were  connected with the element fire and Aries.  With the element earth and Taurus we  developped our essential basic potencials  requested for living.

From the human development point of  view, untill all lessons of elements are not  perfectly „polished“ and mastered, we have  to return to deal with some of them again,  that is, we have the possibility to complete  our unfinished lessons.

Now, on this new evolutionary step,  emotions have to be mastered intelectually.  Because we have now in front of us to  deal with knowledge, to learn much more  than we did until now in order to awake  totally and to raise our consciousness and  conscience.

Let us look deeper in the element air. As  the most movable and the most light of the  four elements, the element air has made the  most advaced evolution on the Earth. Now,  we people have also to perform and develop  more acurate capacities of Intellect, Logic  and Cognizance. Said in other words, in  the Age of Aquarius the most important  will be the evolution of mind, followed by  a new communication within different  relationships.

On the personal level there are many  distributions connected to a person’s  relationships towards the work on earth  and with earth, then work in edification  of buildings for different purposes and  meeting with all possible materials. Then  the work with all possible instruments,  tools and mashines, computers till the  engaging work with people in small groups  as in schools, and so on, till the global work  in the nation and between the nations.

On the higher level, let us consider  Aquarius as the third and fixed air  constellation. This should mean  nowadays that communication is to be  used more consciouslly starting from  close surroundings, and then in larger  familiar circles. After this comes the  official communication with colleagues in  the work place, with cooperants, with chefs  and with workers. Here will be shown the  personal responsibility on many levels. We  can say, as the consciousness gets higher,  the human grows in his qualities.

Parallel to this communication we  have the communication through the  whole schooling period, higher and high  education.

There is communication to friends, and of  course the communication to teachers and  to proffessors.

Then, not to forget, there is, at least good  communication to our neighbours from  which we can learn a lot. Usually, our  neighbours submitt us very important  lessons needed for our growth and evolution.  Often we „spit“ on them, but we could think  in an other way and be thankfull for the  lessons they offered us to become better  people.

For all lessons mentioned here, there is lot  of work on the Self and this is the essential  one.

After we have mastered all mentioned  communications and all work on the Self, we  can approach to interplanetary, interstellar  and intergalactic communications.

There is also, the most advanced level  of lessons that Aquarius offers as its  major evolution lessons and they can be  summerised as follows: the necessity of  the New Age is researching, inventing  and disperssing of advanced ideas and  new technologies and new methods for the  common wellfair of our Planet.

Also there is a need of steps towards the  Universal goal. Personal will and wish for  togetherness are needed. As the resposibility  for oneself and for the surrounding grows,  the consciousness level is raised, and all  mentioned communications are improved.  Together with the growth of behavior and  the moral values, awaking is accelerated.  Creativity becomes important, and it  brings many new conceptions.

In short, together with the consciousness  growth mankind awaits the conscious  work on changes, on perfectioning virtues  and moral values, and this is said by the  natural eleventh field of the Zodiac, the  field where Aquarius is settled.

Before us awaits the hard time, but  this is not by chance, because just when  experiences are difficult, and even drastic,  this is namely an opportunity given by  God to master something and to learn  deffinitely.

On this path, consciousness grows by  learning, and this is properly awaited in  the next 2000 years of the Aquarius Age.

C. Cosmically

On december 21th of the year 2012 the  End of our World didn’t happen as some  people predicted, especially leaning on  Maja’s calender which together with this  date came to an end. But, this didn’t mean  the end of the Humanity and of the World  itself.

Namely, Maja’s calender defined the end  of one more greater cycle of 26.000 years.  When we are talking about cycles, we  should all of us get acquainted with some  bigger cycles, besides this very known one  of our Earth’s revolution around Sun in  365 days or usually said in one year.

a) So, the cycle of 26.000 years is connected  to the Axis of Earth and its motion  through all 12 constellations of the Zodiac  in this period. Due to this fact we have  Ages, which are periods of some more than  2000 years, namely 2167 years when  Earth resides in a single constellation.  This is not to be confused with our Sun  Ajnar, which passes the whole Zodiac in  a year, and resides a month long in each  single constellation.

Further more, this cycle of 26.000 years is  related to the change of Earth’s Magnetic  field, because the poles adjust themselves  with the Center of Milky Way Galaxy  from which in this time arrives on Earth  an Electromagnetic radiation of very high  intensity. From time to time the Earth’s  Magnetic poles change but this change  doesn’t influence the rotation of Earth  itself in the Solar system, which further  continues according to the same natural  principle for billion of years already.

Shortly, each 26.000 years the  Galactic harmonizing and changing of  Electromagnetic field happens due to the  new cycle beggin in and out of our Galaxy  with necessary adjustments to other bodies  in the Universe. The reason of all of this is  the evolution and development which are  happening in the whole Universe. When the  earlier stage is performed, the promotion  into the next one, more advanced dimension  happens.

On our Earth we can follow this, just said  in transformations of many living forms,  starting from plants, animals, up to the  humans where changes show up bigger, from  the cells themselves to all potentials of the  man and real awaking and consciousness  rising, about which fact more words will  be said.

b) The next big cycle is the Galactic cycle  which extends to 216.000.000 years.  Namely, this is the time needed for the  rotation of the whole our Solar system  around the Central Sun of the Milky Way.

c) After this one, there is one more bigger  cycle within the Universe, or Universal  cycle. It extends through the period of  some 10,5 thousand billion of years needed  for the rotation of the whole Milky Way  Galaxy around the Big central Sun of the  Universe.

After these facts, the words of Heraclitus,  a known greek phylosopher: „Panta rei“ or  „Evrything moves“, „Evrything rotates“  can be well understood.

Also, considering the cycles, and there are  some bigger than these mentioned, it can  be well understood that we Erthians are  part of the bigger Whole.

Let us now, consider the subject from some
other points of view.

1) The fact is, that everything is on the  path of evolution and advancement.  Everythibg is embraced with this process  from the tiny and small ones to the great  and big ones, from micro to macro. Let’s  take our Earth for example. On its rotation  within the Solar system in a smaller cycle  and in the rotation of the whole Sun’s  system around the Central Sun of the  Milky Way Galaxy in the bigger cycle,  our Earth passes through different parts  of the Universe, enters in different regions  belonging to other Stars with their proper  radiation fields, enters under influence of  other Solar systems, Nebulas, Clusters and  of everything that we yet don’t know on its  way of passing by.

So, changes on Earth occur continuously,  and some bigger ones occur at the ending  of 26.000 years cycle.

All influences collected through this big  period manifest them on Earth through  big changes among which the most obvious  and dramatic are the climate changes.

Many changes occur also within ourselves,  due to electromagnetic radiations in Space,  to which are added x, gamma and UV  radiations of different intensities which  come to Earth. It is logical to have stronger  radiations at the end of a greater cycle,  because a new great cycle begins and some  old and used things have to be swept away.

Every new cycle is somehow different from  the previous, and of course on the higher  evolutionary level.

Hubble, Earth’s space telescope has  registered in year 2012 a very special light  ray in strong white with pale blue and  tiny magenta colours, which was directed  from the Center of Milky Way to Earth.

Electromagnetic energy enters in Earth’s  core through the South pole, exits through  the North pole and is distributed through  network lines over the whole planet.

Humanity then matches with these new  energies in order to make a step forwards  on the evolutionary scale. A specific  automatism exists which is needed for  the changes, but it’s logical to suppose  that if humanity has reached a higher  consciousness level, it becomes very helpful  in the evolutionary move forwards. A  sincere encounter with the Self is helpful  too and if a sentence is added like: „Now I  know this, and to move on, I’ll be and do  from day to day everything better on my  way!“

The decision is ours, and help is secured  for us even before birth from Spirit guides,  Archangels, Angels and beings at higher  level of existence.

We can also conclude that on December  21.2012. the cosmic gate of the New Age,  Age of Aquarius was large opened.

2) On the micro level, our cells, that is, the  atoms in the cells undergo change, which  we can make more active by apropriate  nourishment and our positive thoughts  and deeds. In this new dimension in which  we step, the development of our light body  started to form itself. What does this mean  on the cellular level?

In order that the individual starts  developing the light body there is a precondition  which asks and expects a higher  vibration or higher frequency of the cells.  The human constitution laid untill now  on one essential element which is carbon  (C).

Now carbon becomes to heavy. In other  words it has to low a frequency which is  a direct obstacle for the formation of the  light body. So, to raise the frequency of the  cells means that atoms should realise or  create one more electron in their cover layer.

Adding one more electron will influence  higher rotation and consequently the cells  will attain higher frequency. This new  frequency will be the frequency of Silicium.  During this Aquarian Age this great  passage from Carbon base in the human  physical body to Silicium will take place.

Together with this change there will be a  moment in which the formation of the light  body will start. At that point consciousness  expansion will become natural and easier.

For now, we can through our development  add more light into our Auras. You can  clearly understand this if you look at  pictures of Saints and Angels. They are at  higher level than ours and their Auras are  mostly brilliant white, some with golden  reflections, or even with intense bluish  God’s ray.

With this new information, you can  promptly understand and accept the  suggestions and advise of naturopaths and  noutritionists concerning the diminishing  of food quantity which is daily ingested.

That means if you want to fill your plate,  you just don’t do it. You put the half  quantity, so the half of your plate is full.  What is important now until you get  acquainted with new quantities, is to  eat slowly, not watching TV or reading  something, but just enjoying what you  have cooked or you have bought allready  prepared.

Heavy food has to be left in the past,  especially red meat and different meat  base products. In the daily consomation  vegetables should be raised, especially  green ones, cultivated, if possible, without  herbicides and pesticides.

These vegetables can be prepared like  a short boiled meal, or even better for a  change, like a crude mash. Cereals should  be used with measure because they bild an  acid medium when digested. Sugars and  cakes should be put under control and in  minimal quantities.

If you don’t bring any change to old  habits, your cells will degenerate more  or less slowly, your immune system will  weaken, and the last effect will be more  than obvious: the development of illnesses,  old-fashionned or new- fashioned ones.  A great technical and technological  advancement in the last 100 years is  observed on the one side, on the other side,  in spite of this, and we can think „why“,  too many illnesses are present nowadays  on our planet.

One thing is obvious: the quality of  noutriments used in daily consumption is  not any more adapted to our health. Too  many people suffer from over weight and  their number goes increasingly every day.

3) On the macro level, starting from our  planet, the evolution also takes place.  Our Earth undergoes climate changes,  it changes its rotation speed, it changes  the existence of animal and floral forms.  That is Earth’s path of evolution. Passing  through new regions of the Universe she  purifies and regenerates in a very new,  Aquarian way which is not enough, nor  totally visible to us. But we understand  that new big things are happening.

Further more on the macro level, our Sun-  Ajnar undergoes evolution. In the last  thirty years the Sun’s activities are mostly  enlarged. Torches are more numerous  than usually, and these give enormous  protrusions of burning energy. Sun’s spots  grow in number, and very obviously they  are coneccted with electromagnetism which  is very high. Solar winds are strong and  blow often.

All these phenomena have their importance  and effects about which we shall know much  more in the years to come through new  researches in the Universe, new discoveries  and much more precise explanations of the  happenings in the Nature.

Allready now, when probes and shuttles  travel through enormous spaces of the  Universe and send data to Earth’s Space  Centers, we can much better understand  „panta rei“ or everything flows, everything  moves, everything revolves!  More simply said: Everything in the  Universe is in evolution!

As a consequence, increases of the Sun’s  activities influence Earth in changes in its  electromagnetic field. Higher frequences  appear and in this way numerous changes  happen on all stages of life on Earth.

We have also an income through day and  night on all Earth’s surface of Neutrinos,  which arrive from the Sun’s nucleus,  regadless of Earth’s daily illumination  or its night obscurity. They transmit  impulses of Vital energy. Together with  the transmission of energy, information  is transmitted to all living beings on our  planet starting from those of few cells, up  to the most developed human beings. This  information serve during the passing of  time to promote the next steps of evolution.

There is a very interesting thing, and that  is that the whole Universe is filled with  Neutrinos, what is the constatation of the  science. All Stars and all Suns radiate  Neutrinos, so the Universe is filled up with  them. They generate as the consequence of  nuclear reactions in the nucleuses of these  celestial bodies. These atomic activities are  integrative of everything in the Universe.

Especially because all Stars and Suns  contain Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He)  in their basic constitution which then  enter the nuclear processes of fusion.

Those elements are the most simple ones  and as such they take the first places in the  Periodic Table of Elements. Thus, we see  here the magnificent hand of Creator and  all the glory of the beginnings and life all  over the Universes through an enormous  simplicity. Only God knows it. And this  simplicity shows the Infinity of Universes.

Further more, it is astonishing how many  kinds of energies the Sun trnasmits to  us. Those which we know for now are:  Light, Heat, Sound, Mechanic, Electric,  Magnetic, Radio-active,Ultra-violet,Vital,  Informative.

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