It will be considered here work helpful in  becoming a real human. There are some  usual questions about this subject : What  and how? And When and how long?


In any way we do not withdraw from  the Self. The Millenium old habit to look  at others and to comment them, without  throwing a little blink at oneself should be  thrown in the past.

If you look objectivly, you can’t do other  then admitt that in personal relationships  as to marriage partner, or in family to  brother, sister, parents, then to friends,  work colleagues, to neighbours you have  allways something to critisize, to comment,  or even to get angry about.

One habit, just one habit to be transformed  into better one! What do you say?  Imagine and realise the very new idea  of not taking care about others, and you  start looking at yourself, even literally  looking you in the mirror saying: „May be  I don’t like in myself what i do not like in  others. Let’s see what that could be?“ You  can find something for sure. And then you  just change the old habit with the new one:  more easy, and more nice.

Here is one example, but of course, you  can have yours own. Only one thing is  important, and that is to be positive and  say to yourself: „I am here, I am fine, I  can do some good things!“ And even this  one:“ I am here if somebody needs me.“

Just repeat these one or two sentences  and wait. The chances for your new  thoughts will come soon. And after your  new expirience is showing up, be objective  again and see how do you feel inside.


In practice the work on the Self is continous  and daily. Little by little, or Step by step.  There is allways something to make it, in a  better way. When an objective approach to  the Self is reached, all other work becomes  easy.

One question may arrise. You can ask  yourself „How do I know that I’m on the  way of transformation or on the way of  better living the life?“ It is not so difficult  to conclude: When someone finds out that  he has made a mistake, that means that  he has began the work on the Self, or Ego.

Then, he can try better next time, if he  decided to do so.

Every day little better, or evry week little  better means a step forwards in one’s own  development.

Now, about how long? It’s up to your own  decision. It can be untill others see that  you have changed, or that you became a  very nice person. It can be also a continous  work, or a continous supervising oneslf for  the life time.


There are three of them as mostly  important: Ego, Negative Thoughts and  Karma


Simple and easy Ego wipping off. What is  the most important to wipp off?

a) Not to get angry
It is truly not an impossible work! It  becomes an easy one, if you start the day  by saying: „Today I won’t be angry“. In a  short time this will become so efficient, that  you will be surprised how you can manage  this purpose.

If you are offten stuborn and think you  are allways wright, then you will need  some more time to realise this virtue.

b) To be able to forgive
This is one of the big virtues. Many people  use to say: „He/She offended me untill the  grave“.

In reality, it means that they have  projected this personal offence not only  in the present, but they have projected it  in the far future. If those people would  think logically for a moment, and see is  it siutable to keep the offence, no matter  how hard it is. Because at the end, it works  against them. As longer they keep it, so  easier it can provoke health problems, due  to conserved negative energy.

c) To be flexible
In other words, it means to be adjustable.  Situations can from day to day change,  as well as from hour to hour. These are  happenings from outside, and are not  according to your wishes. So, your attitudes  show up. It can be seen if you are stuff, or  if you have understanding for something  unpredictable, or for sudden changes.  In one word, as better you can adjust, that  better you show your attended development.

d) To be tolerate
Truly said this quality comes out from the  previous one. The best practice of it comes  with close relatives, such as life partner,  children, parents. If you live together in  the same house, then the practice is more  intense.

Here can be mentioned the neighbours who  offer us especially good practice. It allways  happens that at least one of them is out of  series and is ready to irritate you quite a  lot.

The solution for the own growth is to  accept these neighbours just as tests of  your tolerance threshold. Beleive, or verify  yourself. Soon you will make the conclusion  that you won’t loose your nerves because  of neighbours who have bad words or  unproper deeds. This is the way to reach a  big plus on this test.


Why should one work on Negative  thoughts? The answer is simple. Because  negative thoughts are negative energies  and because they during passing of time  bring health problems, and no one likes  them.

There is a great number of negative  thoughts, among which we can nominate  some strong ones, such as: envy, hate, evil,  malice, revenge, jalosy, impute, gossip,  backbite …

As there are so many of Negative thoughts,  it is good to put them promptly away as  they appear in your mind. There are few  easy ways how to transform negativity into  positivity, so here follow some examples.

a) Develop Unconditional Love
Truly said, if you do love somebody, how  can you think or do something bad, or  unappropriate to him/her?

To start any change in your life, at the  beginning is needed the wish to perform this  change. The next step is to include your  will in order to enable the performance of  the desired change. Let’s take the example  of hate. If somebody offences you, cheats  you in something or similar, you can easily  start hating this person.

But, acting in this way you have forgotten  that hate is a negative energy, and in reality  you have surrounded yourself with this  energy. Do you need it? Do you want it?

The succesfull solution of this or similar  problem is that you start to cure love and  positive attitudes in any situation. You  can say to yourself: „Person X has acted  badly, but this is his way which DOESN’T  T0UCH ME. Besides this, I send him nice  thoughts“.

And this is this, the negativity of others didn’t touch you and didn’t provoke yours. Besides this, it can be said that Unconditional Love is the exellent key for  all situations!

b) Not to worry
May be you wouldn’t admitt at first  moment, but worries are Negative Energy.  And similarlly to the previous point,  negative energy doesn’t solve problems, but  can only make them even greater.  When you worry about something, the  solution to this problem guides you through  the longer path. You can find obstacles on  that way which are normaly not needed,  or the procedures can be much longer.

Also, if you worry about something in  connection to close persons of yours, that  can eventually bring some not needed  obstacle in front of them.

On the other hand, if you spread positivity  to all situations and happenings,  everything will go better.

c) “Everything is for the best in this World“
This is indeed the tought or the saying of  the French phylosopher from the XVIII  century, J.J.Rousseau.

It is very simple, and everything is for  the best because from each happening, or  from each situation we are in, we have  the possibility to learn something, we can  react good, positively, and make a little  step forward in our proper development.  The truth is that everything we do, WE  DO IT FOR OURSELVES in first place,  then for others!

d) To live with the Truth
We do live now in the Age of Aquarius, so  it is very important to live with the Truth,  tell the Truth, because among everything  allready said, this Age is the Age of the  Truth.

To some people this is just the way of living  the life in the truth and with the truth.  Some people live in the big search for the  truth.

And some people are confused in the middle  of many lies and faulse data.
But now, nothing can be hidden or kept  aside for a long time, because everything  is accessible in the way as it is. What is  proper and clean is also shown as proper  and clean, and what is dirty is shown as  dirty. On disposal are: Internet, Face,  Twiter, You tube or many other mediums.


This part is the most important, “sine  quid non” (which means without it there  is no progressing).

Nowadays Karma is very often mentioned,  but, it won’t be too much, if some more words  will be added. Karma is not an easy deal,  but it is a must. Karma is something that  we have earned through our deeds or words  in this or in some previous life or lives. As  this was not nice, nor good, we have put  obstacles in our path of development.

Simply said, until an obstacle lies before  us on our life’s road, moving forwards is  blocked. When the path becomes free, or  in other words when we have moved the  obstacle, and learned for good the lesson  about it, we have worked out our Karma.

What that obstacle could be? Many things  are possible. Let’s mention some common  ones such as emotional damage, material  damage or energetic damage to somebody.

It has then produced a certain debt,  regardless if it comes from some prior life,  or from this living one. This debt has to  be payed back, it has to be equalised. Only  then the green light for the freeway is given.

In other case, similar debts are repeated  until the person reacts and pays back what  is needed. The repetition of situations and  events can stop when the person in question  knows the cause of his mistakes and doesn’t  make them any more.

We shall give now some possible ways of  Karma purifying to enable more profound  understanding of it.

a) To undestand and learn the tight link between cause and effect
In purifying Karma this is the most  important thing, because this is one of the  fundamental laws of the Universe, which  we are a part of. This law is also called The  law of action and reaction. It is connected  to the law of equilibrium.Everything is  mantained in quilibrium, and everything  has to come in equilibrium even if it is  disturbed. This is how the Universes are  functioning.

There is a saying among people (who  knows how old), which says the same thing  as cause and effect, but in other words and  it is: „Everything turns back, everything  has to be payed. Good with good, bad with  bad!“

b) To do things honestly
Doing things as just said, from day to  day means that the possibility of errors  is minimalised, and paying of debts will  be reduced, because honesty understands  certain quality of living the life.
From now on, in this Age of Aquarius,  all qualities become extremely important.

Especially the Truth and Honesty  bring everything in the light of the day.  Everything is happening in a fast way.  Unhonest and unappropriate deeds can’t  be hidden any more. Everything is known.  What is not good, has to be eliminated.

Just like the example of the home made  bone soup which brings to the surface all  dirty foam to be thrown away.

c) To be fair
It is expected in all situations to be fair. This point is so clear in itself, that any additional explanation or example are not needed.
What is needed is some personal effort!

d) To love oneself, to love the World.
This point could seem unusual to you, but from the relationship to yourself, your relation to the surroundings and to the World comes out.

Here is the explanation of how things work:
If you respect yourself, but naturally, without any Ego exageration, you will respect people around you. And others will respect you too.If you have bad words for others, others will have bad words for you. If you don’t tell the truth, others will also lie to you. If you take away from others, the same thing you will feel on your skin.

If you are available and you find it not difficult to help somebody, so somebody will help you when you gona be in need of it. If you accept others and their attitudes in the sense „OK, you are thinking in this way, you are acting in this way, you are the creator of your path, or in other words of your life, but these are not mine“, so you will not spend time and your energy to convince them in something which they are not ready to accept.

You have nicely listened to them and nicely explained to them that your attitude is different.
At the same time, some other person would listen carefully to what you are talking about, and probably accept you or not, but this fact will not make you angry.
Because for now, there are social, upbringing and education differencies between people.
Many examples could be given, but all of them connect some basic things, like we all live together, we share the same places, so one thing should be present in mind of everybody, and that is „How could I attain normal human behavior“, „Can I learn something more to raise my understanding“, „Can I explain something to somebody in a way that He or She understands or learns something new“.
And shortly could be repeated, to unerline this point, that all of us need more love, tolerance and flexibility to proceed without pain in this New Age.


a) Easy through Life
Each deeper trace hurts much more. When somebody has „slapt hard” your cheek, with purpose or without, you will remember the experience. And not only remember, but you learn the lesson from it; if you wanted to.

To see the solution of this problem in an easier way, let’s look at Nature. Let’s go to the sandy shore. And let us walk for a while over sand close to the sea itself. Of course we are bare foot. We notice that our feet drop lightly into the sand. Our foot steps become visible. But the sea moves always and to the seashore continously come new waves. And watch: In a tiny moment disapears what was left behind us. All sand’s surface is well polished.

What can we learn from this natural phenomenon? It is good never to leave deep traces behind oneself. Transfering these into life situations many negativities as shouting, quarreling, fighting, agression do leave traces, not only on other persons, but also on yourself.

From the other side, negativity throws backwards. Just think it over. It is useful to polish the sand!

b) Something forgotten: soul refreshing
To wash oneself is something very normal and usual, starting from the first bath at birth, till the last bath after leaving this life.

Indeed, the great part of the Erthians have developed very good the personal hygiene. Some people even do wash themselves a few times a day or take a few showers, especially during hot summers.

Did you ever asked yourself is it occasionally needed to wash one’s soul? Of course, not with water and soap, but with thoughts, words, one’s will and one’s deed.

For instance, admit in your personal thoughts some committed mistake. It is then good to appologise, or to say „forgive me“, or „I’m sorry about it“. If with the mistake damage is done, then it should be compensated in adequate money amount, and so on, and so on…

In conclusion, becoming a real human is not so bad! What do you say about trying it?
Sometimes inner satisfaction is a great thing!

c) Putting borders
Did you ever notice pure non-sense concerning yourself? You may be astonished about the borders you have built in front of you. Really you have built walls,even fortresses around yourself. They block your progression. While normally, it is expected that you live your life with as many qualities as possible.

We talk here about some very usual sentences which should be left in the past, like: „I don’t want“, „I can’t“, „I won’t give“, „I don’t wish“, „I am not in the mood“, and so many similar, because all of them are your borders.If you decide to drop them for good, you will be very soon surprised how your life has changed, of course in positive way.

In reality, you have broken down your borders and consequently you have made a free way for living a better life.

The borders did exist only in yourself and did make life very difficult for you, but it could have been much easier.

In conclusion, if you start living without your own restrictions, happy to be on the beautiful Earth and ready to help others around you to break their borders, you are for sure on the way to become perfect!

d) Practice to find positive issues
Let us look at Nature again. Under spring’s Sun, snow and ice melt and disappear in streams and small rivers. In the similar way your Ego could melt too.

In order to expirience it and believe it, try humaniterean or some other voluntary work. They are excellent for development and growth, because they nicely melt your Ego.

This is verified through personal experiences.

Firstly during 1992 I did voluntary work in the Croatian Red Cross Organization in corresponding with German and Italian Red Cross. Croatia needed in that time help in sanitary material, drugs, various equipment, sanitary vehicles and other things.

Secondly during 10 years, from 1995 to 2005 I had a chance to practice humaniterean work during summer vaccations with people suffering from Sclerosis Multiplex, Polyomielitis, Downs Syndrome, and especially with persons suffering from Muscle Distrophy or Insufficiency in specialised camps for those people in Italy near Venice.

In conclusion, it is always very good to make your own decisions about what to do, or to make something better, or to repair something. While Karma does its job: lessons come again and again, situations connected to some themes do repeat, problems in relationships reappear until the exams are succefully passed and their lessons learned.

It is very important to understand that some cause, which may not be from yesterday or from the past few weeks, has brought now from the far past its consequence.


a) Divorce and Karma
Divorce in itself is not so problematic. It is said from the Karmic point of view that mariage partners who were in relationships, regardless of years 7, 9, 13, or 17, did work out their Karma which brought them together, so they are free now to separate.

The other possibility is the separation of partners because they are not yet ready for Karmic lessons.

There is also a third possibility which concerns situations and circumstances previous to divorce loaded with new Karma, and not solvable at the moment. So it’s questionable how much Karma can be worked out.

An example follows:
A young couple in their twenties start a perfect relationship, and afterwards a very nice marriage. During years many people spoke about that beautiful couple and their harmonious relationship.

True love shinned out of both of them and people felt that and in that way percieved their relationship. This marriage lasted for 13 years.

And then, during one trip together, the husband met a lady old-friend of his from the high scool. The couple accepted in a very nice way this old-new friend. They visited her several times at her week-end house close to town where all of them lived. In the comming summer she visited the couple at the sea side in their house. They continued to see each other rather regularly…

But this friendship turned over after sudden frequent official trips of the husband. The expected consequence of these escapes was husband’s moving to his friend’s place.

Not long after this change in the life of the couple, the husband started to show himself publically with his old-new friend.

It’s easy now to guess that the beautifull marriage collapsed. Divorce followed.

And after a short time the husband married this lady, friend of both. The first wife remained as friend of this new couple. So, please evaluate this Karma puzzle.

Did somebody worked it out, did somebody make a new one?

b) Relationship out of marriage and Karma
This is a story about a fifty year old man and a much younger, thirtyfour old lady.

The age difference betweeen these two persons was rather big, but small in their love for art and an excellent creativity on both sides…
This relationship lasted for 7 years and then suddenly broke up because during the whole time this relationship from the man’s side was a big lie!

To tell the truth, this mister was married and had a son. So, with the time passing by, talking between these two, let’s say the lovers, came about, what to do further. When the question was set about some mutual life, then this mister spoke about his wife’s sickness and the need for her operation, so some patience was requested form the lady’s side.

He also explained that he wouldn’t like to shock his wife in that already difficult situation.

Yes, very understandable, very human! But he fergot to ask himself why does he cheat his wife, and why does he trick his loving lady and makes a double life?...

Time passed and after that „sickness story“ followed the story about recovery, and of course the question of patience and understanding from the side of the lady.

Not long after this story, came a new one, now about his son and his preparations for the university studies. Mister wished this time not to shock his son during these serious preparations. After the exams passed successfully, another story came out.

This time about changing the working place and mister’s need to get used to some new duties…

This nice story was continously troubled with excuses and something that always stood in between their relationship. In the meantime 7 years passed by and the possibility of further going on was totally consumed.

Practically behind all mister’s excuses stood big lies and his easy intention to continue on two parallel roads, and mantaining this double relationship of marriage and adultery.

Question for you: What do you think about Karmic debt?

c) Close relationships in one’s own family and Karma
In this field we often meet very difficult relationships, even breaking of blood relations which is in no way good. In this example the difficulty was succefully bridged.

It’s the story about two sisters. The younger one lives and works in Europe and is well situated. The other one lives in Croatia, where after the war was rather a difficult time. In the period between 1993 and 1995 due to the hard situation in this country, the older sister receives help from the sister in Europe in a monthly amount of about 120 DM.

This help arrived for about one and half years, and then the younger sister said to the older sister: „It’s enough!“ This sudden act could have dramitacally changed the family relations, but the sister receiving help „cooled down“ and carried on in good relations.

The need for financial support she resolved, thanks to this brake, in finding a temporary job.

d) One more example conserning two sisters, but totally opposite.
It’s Christmas. The older sister calls the younger one to give good wishes for the festivity. But, nobody answers the phone, there is no answer from the other side which is very strange.

The next day in the evening she learns from the brother in law that her younger sister is in the hospital and had a heart operation. On the same festivity day she had a heart attack.
The older sister learned also that, if everything goes well, the younger sister will come out of the hospital in a week. As she doesn’t live in the same city, the older sister makes herself ready for the trip. So, the next week she arrives at younger sister’s place to help in house and kitchen, especially in preparing diet meals.

She stayed one month long at her sister’s until she had two check ups at doctor’s and recovered enough to proceed in everyday’s obligations.

e) Karma appearing after knowing the last will
Two brothers are in their best years of life. They are in their forthies. These should be the years when a certain wisdom is reached. But in this case wisdom was not reached. The father of these brothers passed away after a difficult desease in his 63-rd year. The ranch, that is the land which father has inherited from his father, he left to his younger son by a testimony.

This younger son has helped through many years, in spring and autumn time his father in many necessary doings in the fields.

When the Court process was finished, the older son asked the younger one: „Would you give me in writing half of the ranch?“

The younger one answered: „If you have had deserved it, our father would already have done it!“
The older one reacted furiously to this: „If you really mean it so, we are finished! I don’t want to hear about you any more, neither to see you!“
You can see now, how from pure wantonness the closest family relationships go wrong and brake.

How would you distribute here, Karmic lessons?


It’s good to repeat some more things in conclusion to this chapter.

1. First of all it is very important NOT to load oneself with worries, anger, agression or fears.

All of these states block your evolution, because they are burdend with Negative Energies.

2. It is very good to repair or to change one’s attitudes, to cherish and take care about all relationships through Love, Respect, Thankfulness, and Forgivness.

3. As your Tolerance threshhold grows, you will feel better and better. This state is confirmed by an old saying: THE BIGGEST WIN, IS THE WIN OVER ONESELF!

4. In problem solving, search for Positive Issues, be just and don’t get angry. It is expected to excuse oneself for mistakes, and to compensate for the damages.

5. Developing Thankfulness is very good and very positive.

6. I offer you my daily phrase which works slowly and surely:


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