Light is in its nature an electro magnetic wave par exellance! Light arrives on Earth in waves.It is life and it supports life. Light brings life all over the Universe.

According to the priciple of reflections, light can be transmitted from planet to planet, from Sun to Sun, from Galaxy to another Galaxy, that is light can pass from one infinity to the other infinity, from one extremly distant part to the other extremly distant part.

Light is also the main connection between everything existing.



1. Light spreads in numberless rays.

2. Light is defined by certain characteristics and physical laws. It has speed (v), wave lenght (l), amplitude (lh), frequency (f), break index (n). And one of basic laws is:
l = v/f

3. Light has a speed of propagation of 330.000 km/sec in a vacuum medium. It is reflected when hitting certain surface which don’t absorb light. We can differentiate the incoming ray and the reflected ray which are equal when we speak about the same medium and about the same surface.
The medium of light propulsion defines its speed. So, when there are two different mediums the wave lenght changes and different break indexes show up. For example in air n=1, in water n=1,33, through glass n=1,50, through diamond 2,40 etc. This break index is bigger as the wave lenght is smaller.

The wave lenght is bigger when the light speed is higher, and contrary when light has lower speed the wave lenght is smaller. We have the phenomenon of light breaking when the light ray passes at a certain angle from one to another medium, the speed diminishes, the wave lenght diminishes, the light break occurs. So, when light passes from the medium of lower break index-n, in one with higher n the break is closer to the vertical line.

The frequency remains the same when light passes from one medium to the other. The prisum is in the Universe of a big interest for every living being. In prisum we have two plains, A and B which come in touch under a certain angle.

So, when the light passes through the prisum it undergoes some deviation- (d) which is equal to the sum of deviation of angles in point A on the plain A, and in point B on plain B.

The outcoming ray’s angle depends upon incoming angle, breaking indexes of the prisum and air, and as said of the prisum’s angle. The deviation of the light’s ray at passing through the prisum is bigger as the wave lenght is smaller, as the break index is bigger the wave lenght is smaller.

Light breaking between two mediums on their border creates light dispersion. And we can see how light is complexly composed when it passes through the prisum and decomposes in a spectrum of colours. Colours are very important for the human body. That was already known in old civilisations and colour therapy was present in daily practice.
Besides that, the light is very important for life, especially on the plain of micro-cosmos. There it influences the cells and brings them in a correct way of reproduction and so mantains good work and state of all organs,bones,tissues, blood etc.
When white light is decomposed in the spectrum we have colours from red, which has the longest wave lenght and due to this characteristic red colour gives warmth in the best way, then follow orange, yellow, green, blue, which through short wave lenghts optimally refreshes and cools down. Out of spectrum we have infrared at the low basis and ultraviolet at the high basis.



It is good to say at this point that light has so many qualities and actions which are to be guessed, and for the time being not yet known to us humans.
For now it is known that the human being is, out of its physical body, constituted from triangles, namely of 7 of them.

These are present in the Aura of each person and they enable light reflections, that is colour reflections useful in a particular moment...

They serve to integrate humans into real human beings. More evolution is needed to reach this point. When the integration of all triangles will be done, the possibility to make contacts in the Universe will be opened.

All Universal reflections, all cosmos reflections proceed and manifest themselves through triangles. Information can be transmitted from one part to the other over triangles.

As the human being is constituted out of triangles, this fact shows that he is part of the Universe. Also the Unification of everything in the Universe is shown and present in the best way.


This big triangle connects Japan – India – and Egypt. It is mostly in action at present and transmits to Earth many neccessary qualities to be completly developed in this period. Let us see which are they?

1. The influence of Japan’s triangle point It brings order, work, discipline.
Here come reflections of will, responsibility and morality. Together with these availability, endaevour and good will are supporting qualities.

Japan is the land of the rising Sun. There is a relation between the qualities to be practiced and the qualities related to the Sun and represented by our big light in our system.

2. The influence of India’s triangle point

It brings tolerance, acceptance, respect, togetherness.
The reflections of unconditional love, peacefullness, simpleness.

India is very traditional country. All old WEDA learnings lay upon the qualities of the Moon, and so the qualities to be practiced.

3. The influence of Egypt’s triangle point

It brings knowledge, learning and new

Here arrive the reflections of wisdom, research, discovering of unknown.

All these mentioned are qualities of Saturnus, which is our great teacher.

Egypt is very old country. At least as a land bearing three pyramids, sayed from first pharaos Keops, Kephren and Mycherinos. Ancient knowledge is present there, and everything we have to rediscover and put into vigour in our lives.



Life in very developed beings operates in a light medium. It means that these creatures have light bodies completly developed. Their former material bodies are left behind a long time ago on the low stage of development.

What about us, human beings?
When consciousness will be widly developed, human beings will accede to higher levels of existence. That understands that material bodies, carried until present, will be left behind.

New light bodies will appear succeedingly and grow big and strong.
When light bodies will be fully formd, new dimensions will be opened to mankind! This is our next future!



We Earthians generally think that we are mostly developed in the Universe.

One thing is true, our Earth is really a special planet, and also unsubstitutable in beauty, may be in all Universes. Of course, this is not the reason to think that we humans are the most developed and the best ones.

So, how would it be, to start thinking that we are less developed in our Universe, and that we have much to learn in order to progress in evolution. Truly said, till now we were rather slow.

In this immense Universe there are many beings on a much higher degree of evolution, already having realised light bodies for thousands of years.

This huge difference separates us from the others. This is the reason why those highly evolved cannot make contacts with us until we make more progress.

We have to get much lighter bodies, much higher consciousness, much faster thinking processes to enable the communication with those much higher developed in many Galaxies in our Universe.

An exciting future awaits us, isn’t it ?!?

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