Further development of humanity referes to consciousness growth.

When consciousness grows it also supports the growth of the Soul, it influences the precision of your thinking and it inspires your work on the Self. It’s an infinite work, if you like: Every day a little better.

It becomes important to listen to your inner voice which also stimulates the conscioussness growing through deeper understanding of how things work and in the same time offering you a greater stability and safety.



Here are 2 pages for you. Write down your thinking. Make some self analysis.
Make some objective conclusions. What would be good and helpful in your consciousness raising. When everything is new for you, then go once more through Chaper III, and you will have many ideas. Write a priority list and start working on it, step by step, or two by two if you are ready for your own growing!

What is needed in this purpose is your wish and your will to become a better human.

Through work on the Self you will get much satisfaction, more responsibility and will be able to endure.



You know why? You will have all your notes concerning your growth here, in this booklet, to enable you to follow easily.
Loose papers often get lost and do not serve any more!

Write down what you feel, like inner impulses. Which impulses can you take under control?

Write down what you do not like on yourself. Can you work on it?

And just remember: without self involvment and endeavour no change happens. Endeavour firstly because of you and for you. YOU FOR YOU is a great thing! But without Ego and in a new way.

A natural law comes into vigour later on and it says: When I am better to my self, I am better to all others. That statment truly means that a better World is realising itself. And it’s already started, look arround you, new souls already with higher consciousness levels are being born.

Watch and hear children from the age of 5 to 12 years old. You can be easily surprised how clever they are, how exactly they know what they want, how clearly they express themselves.

And may be, we could learn something new, or something forgotten from them.



To illustrate this new fact, some examples follow from all around the Earth:

1. First example comes from Europe

The girl Almira comes from the Netherlands and is 9 years old. Her hearing is extraordinarly well developed so much so that she reproduces demanding opera arias after having had heard them ONLY ONCE in such a good manner, and even better than the lady who sung them.

2. Second example comes from the USA

Ten year old girl Jessy from Los Ageles has extraordinary creative capabilities. She already started with 6 years to sew clothes for dolls. Now 10 years old she designs and sews very modern and even some unusual clothing for young people.

She dresses film stars children, and those whose parents are in show business. She is so good, that she was on a TV programm where she, full of confidence decleared that her biggest wish is to create clothing as Mr.Karl Lagerfeld does, who was the main designer at Dior’s House.

Jessy mentioned Heidi Klumm also who was a top model, and now she creates fashion.

3. Example from South America

This is a splendid example of a cook from Brasil who is only 9 YEARS OLD. When he was 5 years old he got a terrible desease, leukaemia. Happily, he was cured with chemo therapy and with a natural method of nourishment.

The boy liked this kind of food so much that soon he started to cook and prepare natural dishes which are so good and tasty.

And in a short time he became very famous, and now he has his own restaurant.

4. Example from Africa

This is an example of a young man from Guiney, some 22-23 years old. He is a specialist with the ball. He developed such an amasing motoric system and plays unbelievably with the ball and on the ground and in the air.

Namely, he lives in Paris, and in the district of Montmartre he gives regularly performances of his skill. He attracts always special attention when playing with the football ball on the top of one of the street illumination candelabres.



It is almost hard to believe as real the behaviour that some animals show. This manifestation is only the proof that evolution and growth touches all plains existing on Earth, and in some cases shows itself more obviously.

So, here follow some examples:

1. An example from India:

In the park of recreation in Mumbai people come often and especially during week-ends, when after sport’s activities they sit on the grass, have a brake and eat something. So, a certain family after having had some nice bites and refreshment, stood up and left the place leaving behind their cloth with a lot of leftovers, plastic glasses, knives, spoons and few bottles.

All that was observed by an elephant which approached, collected with his trunk the cloth, all the stuff on it and took it to the container. Then he threw everything in the place where it belongs.

2. An example from Mexico

A certain woman was taking regularly some leftovers a few kilometers, close to a forest out of town where she had seen many times a group of wild dogs.

When one day the old lady died, a big surprise happend at the cemetery. A pack of wild dogs arrived. They sat far away from the group in a form of a big circle and silently participated in the burial of this kind person who passed away.



1. From self experience, I transmit to you one very useful sentence which is to be repeated every morning in order to be written into the subconscious automatism. Your only investment is endurance.

I tell you why: Here is not the question of your memory, but of automatism which needs to be activted by a 1000 repetitions, equaling to 3 years, because 365x3= 1095, and this sentence says:

Until you do not try, you cannot believe. Practising this sentence every day, small wonders happen! Everything on your life path is accepted with easyness.

So, for example, you stop getting angry, you stop worrying, you stop feeling Energy bursting out of you, that is, you stop being agressive.

And you know what? You start living life to the whole. You pass slowly to positive attitudes without great endeavour.

How is this possible? Just simply, you have made the transition into the present, in the here and now.

And you live IN STEPS WITH TIME!
What is then going on inside you? Your cells are finally happy to live the life, and actually that is you. You did something for yourself, for your staying well.

Also now, for the first time, you take and knit threads from micro to Macro Cosmos. For that reason, you strongly feel life. And you start loving it from the dephts of your Self.

Because, you are here on Earth to use the opportunity and grow, of course not physically. Acting like this you give your contribution to the general wellfair!

This is it! As more positivity is brought into life, so the consciousness is more awoken.

2. Let’s mention once again something already said. That is soul washing, or purifying. Here some personal will is needed to meet oneself and to change accepted negativities into positivities.

3. It is your choice accessing further exams and move upwards on the evolutionary scale.

You have only to declare yourself ready for, and nature will prepare everything else.

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